Do I need to know how to code to take this class?

Absolutely not! The "Hacking for Defense" moniker is meant to highlight the problem-solving nature of the class rather than computer science.

How do you make this class truly interdisciplinary?

Student applicants are coming in from business, engineering, computer science as well as arts & sciences. Teams will be formed with students of different majors and areas of expertise to create the strongest teams. Our application process will insure your fellow students will be top notch - no social loafing here.

Where do the problems come from?

We generally tackle around 5 problems that have been sourced directly from entities like NASA, the US Army, US Special Operations Command, the US Navy, and US Air Force. Students will work closely with representatives from sponsors such as these.

These problems are really big and intimidating. What happens if we don't solve our problem?

The goal of the class is exploration. At the end of the class, if you don't have a clear solution, you will know more than you did at the beginning, and so will the agency with which you work. Sometimes, ruling out potential solutions that won't work is just as valuable.